Saturday, August 25, 2012

Reaping the Father's Heart

My alarm clock ticked as I lay heavy under the warm comfort of the covers. One minute, two minutes, three minutes pass... laying lifeless. The room seems dark, despite the rising sun peeking in through the sheer curtains. Weighted with conviction, I closed my eyes, wishing the day to continue without me, when I remembered my phone going off in the middle of the night. Inching one hand out, I grabbed my phone, and reread the texts that had come in through the night that I had invariably read half asleep hours earlier. Amidst the moment, God said 'you reap what you sow into.'

     The night before I had found myself angry and frustrated, uttering the words I knew I never meant; 'I hate you.' Repeatedly. Deflected with love and love that seeps beyond circumstance or behavior, I spit back 'I hate you.' Again and again. What was just a defense against letting someone else love me in brokenness, I let myself sow into hate. And when the early morning came, I reaped in the conviction of a misplaced heart and words of death.

     Galatians 6:7-8 says "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Simple right? But do we always think about what we are sowing into? Words are just said, actions are just done... and we move forward with each passing moment. Often without thought.

    It's been a few days now of staring at that verse and the constant presence of those words. While it is true that if we say words of destruction, we will see destruction from them, we sometimes forget that the very creator of our hearts is on the throne and He sees our hearts through and through. Past bitter moments where words slip out and where hurtful actions sometimes come to pass. .

     If you want to reap a world of love, you must sow into that. If you want to reap in the presence of intentional people, you yourself must first be intentional. If you want to reap a heart of passion, you must sow into a life of reckless abandon to the King of all Kings. Greater than all of these- the very truth of this verse in Galatians- if you want to reap a life engulfed in the presence of God, you must sow into the gifts and promises of Him. Because whether we are in a storm or the calm, He is still on the throne.

     When I asked Him to give me revelation on this seemingly simple verse, He said to me that there is more meaning in our hearts intention. That He sees our intentions from the core, not the surface. Sitting in this boggling revelation, I realized that those brief moments when I fail to my flesh, when I say things I never meant to say, when I let my frustration overshadow my need and desire for love; He has prevailed in exposing my heart. While I laid heavy in conviction the following morning, I did not reap eternal destruction from my words, because I have spent my days sowing into the heart of the Father, not the heart of the enemy. He's quick to correct, not punish.

     I don't know about you, but I want to reap a harvest of intentional and unconditional love. I want to reap a harvest that emulates the Father's heart in every moment and every crop. Because He see's our hearts desire for Him or for this world. What is the harvest that you are sowing into?


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