Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dominican Republic: An Overflow of Love

They watched as the truck bounced over the potholes in the streets, coming to a stop beside the houses. The barrios have instantaneously taken a large part of my heart, and eager to get out and see which kids were around, I hurridly got out of the car. As the door shut behind me, three Haitian girls ran and pounced on top of me. A gringa. I picked them up, hugging them tightly, my heart overflowing with love. I was made for this.

I was made for this. Not necessarily this exact location or these exact children. But this kind of love. The love that these kids show unconditionally. And the love that I get to give back, hoping that it reaches even half of what they have to give. But more than that, the love of the Father.

These kids take me by the hand, touch my feet, my legs, my arms, all in amazement. I'm white. And they are black, by color's terms. But we all come from the same God who created this universe, making us brothers and sisters by love and by supernatural creation. Something I began to dwell in today, as these girls took me as I was, where I am.

In America, we love on so many conditions. If someone doesn't answer us in our own time, if they neglect to acknowledge our presence, or if they just don't like us, we automatically withdraw our love. We don't grasp the love that God had and has for us. He gave His only begotten son so we could live, yet we ease ourselves away from living like He commands, because our own feelings matter more. How much we can gather in possessions matters more. But here, these people have nothing.

Yet they have grasped the greatest concept, to love thy neighbor as they love themselves. They have no reason to love me. Just as before with trusting me or believing in me. But yet, as I walked through the barrio, a mother holding a sleeping child stood up to offer her chair, others kissed my cheek, embracing me as I walked in what was their territory and their homes. They love me unconditionally, whether I'm sick or healthy, white or black, if I have money or if I don't.

They love to the very essence of who Jesus is.

I can put on a good talk and ease most people through situations that are just battles with the enemy. It's just who I am and who God has called me to be. But my only true desire is to love as these people have loved me. Whether that be by talking through situations or sitting in complete silence- however that may look, that is who I want to be. Because when I came here, I thought I knew who Jesus was completely. I had the greatest friends, an amazing family, and was blessed beyond measure in possessions and being. But I lacked the notion of letting others love me exactly where I was at. I don't know that I knew what it was to overflow. 

Walking back to the car, I opened the door and felt two sticky arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to one of the girls hugging me from behind. As I bent down, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. 'Adios.' I was sold.

I'm completely sold on the love of Jesus Christ. More than anything in this world, I am sold. I was bought at a price, and that was His life. He gave me the air I breathe. And He is the love that overflows from my being.

He is the love that exudes from you and I. Even when it comes from one little Haitian child.

1 comment:

  1. I am inspired by you Lindsay.I am most touched by JESUS and his love too. Please don't ever lose your push to help others-as I know you won't. GOD bless and keep you.
